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Local Artist & Cool Vintage Stuff

February 20 & 21, 2021

9 AM - 4 PM each day

2910 W Moore Street

Moore Street Cafe, Stuff, and our resident artists are having our first Pop-Up Market to announce our partnerships and support local artists. As many of you know 8 of us were "homeless" as the Sound of Music Building on Altamont Avenue was sold in October. As fate or luck would have it, we found this building with the help of Amy Quidley, one of Moore Street Cafe's owners.


This market is an opportunity for us local folks that love art in every form to feature local artists we admire. 

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Participating Artists & Artisans

Amber Corazon 

Betty Lou Leather

Bud and Thorn

Andrea Danner

CBD Studios

Open Studios

William Zimmer, Artist

Dagnabit Design

J. Donald Gottlich

Zou Zou's Basement, Artist

ValBella Studio

Pretty on The Inside Candles

Scattered Brains 

the RAW aura

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The Raw Aura
Andrea Danner
Dagnabit Design
Will Zimmer - Resident Artist
Valerie McDonald
Zou-Zou's Basement
Bud and Thorn
betty lou leather
Pretty on The Inside Candles

Click to Enlarge Image


The following social distance guidelines are in effect for this event:  


Mask mandated 


Hands sanitized upon entry & at each artist display

6ft social distance guidelines to be adhered to

No self-serving or sampling of any products 


We look forward to offering you a little piece of Scott's Addition real estate for the weekend and seeing your talented work fill our space!


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Anytime by appointment


2910 W. MOORE ST.

RVA - 23230


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© 2019 - 2021 STUFF-RVA

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